When I Feel Angry

We all feel angry. We all FEEL lots of emotions. And that is normal! As a teacher, it is partly our job to teach youngsters how to handle their emotions and display self- control. This is a book that can aide in just that.
When I Feel Angry mentions situations in which one may feel angry as well as ways to overcome the anger. It is a great book to introduce to kindergartners at the beginning of the school year so they can begin right away at learning to control their emotions. We must model as adults how to do this so it really serves us teachers well too :)
I would have students complete a journal page to follow up with this reading. I would also have file folder games of different expressions so we could discuss different emotions and what that may really look like! There's so much to do with this short story but the bottom line is: we must control our anger so that we do not hurt others. Teachers should reassure students that feelings are understandable but they do not need to affect others at school.
grade level equivalent: 2